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Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Typical Evening at Home

Gosh I am really hungry. I must have done really well on my diet today to be this hungry.
Let's see, I think I will a packet of those 100 calorie cupcakes while I think about what I am going to have for dinner. Those aren't that bad.....not like a piece of cake or anything.
Ok, that was good, now some milk to wash those down. Hmmmm, what's in my pantry to make for dinner? Oh, I will have a turkey sandwich..a small one.
When my husband gets home I don't want him to know I ate already and didn't wait for him. Ok, now how about a few chips with my sandwich. Ok, I'll sit in front of the t.v and eat this. I am feeling full now. But I need dessert. I have such a sweet tooth. How about another packet of those 100 calorie cupcakes. Ok, those are so good and only 100 calories so they aren't bad.
Oh, my husband is home...ok, look around, there's no evidence I've eaten already. What does he want for dinner? A frozen pizza? By the time it cooks I'll be hungry again. Ok, I'll just eat a little bit of that with him. It's thin crust and really I was good today. Oh, he doesn't want more, well I'll just eat the rest.
Those cupcakes are so good. I will eat a packet of those.
I really didn't eat much...don't know why I am so full.
Does he want some hot chocolate made with milk? Oh, yeah, I will make some of that. After all it is cold outside. I'll have a packet of 100 calorie cupcakes with the hot chocolate. They are only 100 calories so they're not bad.
I just remembered I am out of Smart Ones desserts. I will have to get some tomorrow.

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